wELL my days start out pretty early at about 530 so my days are incredibly long. Well it took be until getting to work on Friday to remember the project so i guess i unintentionally cheated. =( Sorry . Anyway on my drive to the gym at 530 am it still had not occured to me that i couldnt listen to the radio...even thought i wish it has kind of.. I made the mistake of blarring Britney Spears' new Cd. Can i just give me opinion of the CD> BLAH WHAT A BORE. sO MAYBE THAts not cheating because im sure i starting drowning out every song that wasnt womanizer on the CD. Anyway once i got to the gym im still not remembering this project to i stick my headphones into the treadmill and tune into the news.. =( sorry again. Its when i get to work that one of the girls reminds me. This is where it starts to hurt... Well i opted not to bring my laptop into work.. which in terms of the laser center where i work during the day it was probably the best thing that ever happened. Let me just explain that im sure i have the best day job in the world ...about 85% of my 8 hrs is dedicated to doing whatever i want aside from the usual receptionist duties... therefore , it took about an hour of not bieng able to use the internet on my down time before i started TO CRACK!.. i eventually became a client file organizing machine!! about half way through the day , just when i thought i was going to sneak to the back room and strap in an IV TO sedate MYSELF...my promotional boss calls me and asks me to work a last minute promotion . WHEW. this saved my day! that kept me busy for about 6 ,more hours until got home..ALL YOU KNOW WHAT BROKE LOSE...as i run in with my dinner in hand ready to sit down and convert to couch potatoe....i remember...NO TV...wt*!!!! NO LIPTSTICK JUNGLE ..TEAR... so i this point theres not defeating the beast...i decide to bow out early...9 oclock early...what am i 8!?
(eliana v)
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