To start with, Friday was not really all that bad. As far as the cell phone goes, that was a relatively easy one to pass on. I never got a phone call or text on Friday at all, so that really helped out with that aspect. The day went by easier since I had classes and I went ahead and did studying for my math exam. I have a three hour government class on Friday, and I really do love to go to that class. We have a lot of fun in that class because it is not a lecture, but a group of people talking amongst each other about what is going on in our lives and the country. I was going to go watch a movie with some friends that we had planned before the date of this project, but we were not able to go due to some schedule changes amongst some of my friends. To say the least that was some heartbreaking news, so I went home and studied.
Saturday I somehow found myself waking up at noon. A full thirteen hours of sleep and I was still really tired for some reason. I had plans to help my mom put up Christmas lights anyway for Saturday, so I went ahead and did that for about three hours. Some close experiences with almost falling off the roof and getting some awesome blisters from hammering in stakes later, I was seeking something to do. The light bulb clicked and I was going to type my essay for Friday. Sure enough, I go into the house and turn on my computer to find I have no internet access. This was about four in the afternoon, so I went ahead and did some more studying for my math exam. For some reason everyone decided to call me on Saturday in like a regular ten minute interval, and it was really bugging me so I finally decided to answer the calls. At about seven I was so bored, I went and picked up some fast food and went driving around for a while. I fell asleep early again and woke up at about seven this morning and made myself breakfast for the first time in like five years. If anything, I am thankful that this project gave me the chance to do that for once instead of sleeping the mornings away.
Luckily I have already taught myself not to watch television, so there was no temptation for that really. I have never been one to watch those reality TV shows or the series of shows that everyone loves to watch like LOST or Heroes. I just think that TV made its downfall as soon as all of these shows came out (the reality shows); nothing is interesting anymore except a select few shows on certain channels. I’m more of a Discovery-Channel-late-night-shows kind of guy. These are the only shows that I really care to watch. Other than that I really could care less what is on.
The thing that aggravated me the most, however, was not being able to listen to music. Just about anything I do I always listen to music while studying, surfing the web, anything. The temptation to listen to music came so many times. I wanted to listen to music while studying for my math test, reached for my mp3 player, turned it on, and remember that I could not use it at all. It was one of those “well crap” moments I am sure we have all had. I ended up just falling asleep really early to try and keep myself from going crazy. Luckily since my net was out, I could write this massive essay while listening to music since its Sunday! Hopefully I never have to do another project like this again; I really, really had a hard time with not being able to listen to music.
Now that this project is over I have a greater appreciation for the things that media have done for us. We take all of this stuff for granted, and now that I have had it taken away I never want to have that happen again. Overall this experience was really great, and I would recommend that you continue to use this project both as torture and a learning experience for your future classes.
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