After awakening from the sound of my parents leaving to work, I decided I should sleep this one in for I knew there wasn’t much to do at home anyways now that I had begun the Media depravation. It wasn’t until 11am that I had finally awoken from my cell phone vibrating. Tempted to check the text message I left it alone and walked over to the refrigerator to find something to eat.
After a few minutes, I finally settled with a simple ham and cheese sandwich with a small bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. I felt completely lonely eating my sandwich in the dining room. Usually I’m accompanied by the sound of HBO in the background or anything I can find exciting to watch during the early morning hours. Today however, I was accompanied by the sound of my crunch. Lets just say it wasn’t as entertaining.
Finally fed up and annoyed by the complete silence I decided to start with homework since it involved using the computer for “educational purposes” though that didn’t last too long. I left my house and headed over to my boyfriends house, which is about a 20-minute drive down Culebra. I noticed on my way over I was going 50mph and immediately began to slow down as I was hitting over the 10 miles over the speed limit mark. I’m not sure of many people are familiar with the Police substation that is located on Culebra but it’s the reason being that the street is filled with cops 24/7. I only have the radio to blame if I had been pulled over because without music the trip seem to go by much slower and I’m not the person who has much patience.
After what seemed to be an hour, I picked up my boyfriend and we headed off to the car wash to clean my filthy car. We came back home and it still felt quiet and quite awkward for now he was the one crunching away with Doritos and dip. Though he was able to have a bit more fun than me for he was able to text his friends while I was struggling to find something to do. I don’t think “boyfriend and silence” seem to connect because the next thing I knew we were in an argument that only landed in tears. He left and I was stuck at home for another two hours before going to work.
I eventually took another nap and left to work early. This is where I may have an advantage over some people because I work at an Entertainment store so music is always playing in the background and a new movie is always being shown. It’s not like I can sit down and watch the movie anyway though, I have to admit listening to the music for the first time at the store was a blessing especially since I was already having a bad day to begin with.
-Katherine Pena
1 comment:
Eating and driving in silence is indeed awkward, especially if you're by yourself. But yeah, you're one of the lucky ones who works in a media-saturated environment. Enjoy it for a change!
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