Sunday started out almost the same. I woke up to my dogs face right next to mine. I didn’t even bother checking the phone. I figured I should tempt myself into looking at it. I ate some of that oh so delicious Cap’n Crunch again. Has anyone ever seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall ? I ate a giant bowl like Peter does in the beginning of the movie.

Afterwards I picked up the wireless Guitar Hero guitar and started playing… acoustically. HAHAHA! South Park anyone? But really I did do that for about 15 minutes or so then it dawned on me how stupid I looked just strumming a fake guitar.

So I took a shower and I took my sweeeeeeet time doing it too. It’s not like I was in a hurry to do anything important right? In fact I took my time doing everything after that. I put on my make up and I looked super legit. Too bad I couldn’t take a picture…

After the beautification process was over and done with I found myself sitting at my desk, bored. This wasn’t a good sign because one time, a very long time ago, I got so bored that I started to gauge my ears. Yep that’s basically why my ears are gauged now. They aren’t scary huge but they are somewhat big. Meh…I figured what the heck I have nothing else to do. I don’t have any 2g tapers so I decided to use one of those Papermate pens. The pen got cleaned with soap, water, and alcohol as well as my ears. I decided to start with right ear because that’s at a size 4g and also because for some reason I can take more “pain” on that ear too. I got the pen as far as the grip and let me tell you, it hurt. When I took it out my ear was throbbing and somewhat bleeding so I put some Neosporin on it and tried to put in the 2g plugs but it didn’t work. The 4g’s went back in it. I did the same to the other ear. I guess one would say I was unsuccessful but I don’t really think so because it’ll just be easier to put in the 2g’s in later.

My ears were hurtin’ bad so I decided to lie down a bit. The mother unit came in a little later and said we were all going to Olive Garden. Hooray at least I wouldn’t be confined to silence in the restaurant. I have to say that had to be one of the highlights of the weekends other than hanging out with the boyfriend. I was actually surprised at how long we stayed there. A few of my other family members met up with us there and we all just ended up staying there and talking. By the time we got home it was around 8pm and I just couldn’t take it anymore so I got my phone and headed to my boyfriend’s house. I was reunited with my baby [the 360 of course…] and I played Gears of War till I had to leave.
This weekend was way too intense. I don’t think I’d be able to do it again. I’m way too hooked on the internet, music, my phone and ESPECIALLY my Xbox.

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