Well sat was a little different form Friday because i did not work. So i thought i would use sat to catch on some well needed rest!!!! So i TRIED that and that did not go so well.. i was laying there tossing and turning and finally just got up at 10 a.m., i know that i had a long day ahead of me so started planning my day.

I got out of bed, ate some breakfast then hopped in the shower, i noticed that i took a longer shower than normal... but i seem to enjoy it.I was in no "rush" to be anywhere i guess you can say.
So i got ready and me and mom had planed another wonderful of SHOPPING. I knew this would blow a lot of my time because i can shop for hours and hours :)
so off to shopping we went....

we left the house at 12, and we shopped until about 5.
when i got home i was so excited because some of my Christmas shopping was done, i had new clothes and i did not have to suffer at home with nothing to do!
Then i ate some dinner with the family and then i started to study for my finals.
I did make a phone call but it was only to see when my group was coming over so we could study and organize things.
I will admit though that i was driving me crazy that i could not watch the DE la hoya vs pacquiao fight!!!!

I WAS GOING CRAZY. I had all my friends texting me and calling me to go somewhere and watch the fight with them, and my aunt was having a HUGE "RING SIDE" DE la hoya party, which i had to decline an invitation to due to this project! I will admit that i did get one ESPN.com and read the round by round update(BUT ONLY ONCE) and come to find out a disappointing result which made me feel even worst for cheating and wanting to know so bad it drove me up the wall!!
After i cheated, i felt pretty bad but i did some more studying and tried not to cheat anymore...
I studied the rest of the night, and went to sleep!

Funny thing is, Sunday i noticed when i woke up in the morning to get ready, i did not turn on the radio.When i was on my way to church and i was driving in my car ( since the radio had been off for two days) i did not bother to turn on the radio, which i thought was really weird.
Sunday i keep so busy with going to visit my family after church that the only time i glanced at a T.V. was to watch the COWBOYS at 3.

Then i went to studying for my finals and so i kind of went Sunday with our using media without even knowing it.. that is why I'm blogging on Monday instead of Sunday because it totally slipped my mind and i did not use the computer at all yesterday( i was really proud of myself)!
so i guess in all reality i feel this project was MIND OVER MATTER, if you don't mind then it does not MATTER.
We can live with out technology running our lives. We can make it if we really had to live this way, it would take lot of adjusting but we can survive.
hope everyone day went OK like mine...
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