Sunday, December 7, 2008

At peace...

I loved the idea of not using any type of media. It was a great time for me spend studying, but also doing activities that I love. I got to review for all exams that are on Monday. Yes it was pretty hard at first especially since I depend on the internet to connect with my family who live in South America. I did let them know so they would not worry if they did not hear from me. I was a bit sick this weekend, which had me in bed most of the day. I slept a lot. When I got up I made myself breakfast and had devotional time. I love to meditate, and when you are in silence you get this great inner peace and calmness that it's priceless. After that I head to work to couple of hours. Since I could not listen to the radio while on my way to work. I was practically talking to myself , I even sang a couple of songs. Yes it was a bit weird driving with complete silence since usually I'm the girl that you see dancing in the car while she drives. Now when I got home in the afternoon than that's where I had a a bit of trouble. I found myself so uninformed of what was happening in the world. In the afternoon I like to surf the internet, see what's happening while my child does her homework. Since I could not do that. I decided to clean my house to keep myself busy. At the end I got more work done than usual over all. I even had more time to really spend with my child. Unlike many Friday's where I'm busy in the internet while my daughter is watching TV. Yes it was hard to adapt, but at the end I think it did some good. I got to meditate on me, my life and I was able to study at peace. I don't think I would like to live that way all my life, but it sure did help me see that some days I should just be without it and learn not to be so depended on it.

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