Sunday, December 7, 2008


Day 2 of Media Deprivation actually went much smoother than Day 1 for one simple reason; I slept most of the day. Friday night I ended up staying out with some friend pretty late, so I figured I might as well spend as much time as possible catching up on some sleep Saturday because otherwise I would probably going insane from not being able to watch television, or listen to music, or call someone on my phone.
When I woke up at about 1 in the afternoon, I jumped in the shower, got dressed and headed over to a friends baby shower. From 2pm – 6pm I just hung out with a bunch of my friends, and ate lots of food. The T.V. was on, but I did not pay any attention to it, and just enjoyed the company of the people around me. Depriving yourself of media, while with a large group of people conversing is not that hard. The time passes by much quicker.
After leaving the baby shower I drove over to another friend’s house, before going out to our company Christmas party. On the way to his house, it felt like Day 1 again driving my car with complete silence. Luckily he only lived a few minutes away. I ended up going to the party, and then hanging out a few bars with some friends for the rest of the night. There was plenty of music, and T.V.’s around to keep my senses occupied.
The two days of media deprivation have been somewhat stressful, but I also didn’t truly deprive myself completely. Even the little bit of time that I did spend consciously trying to occupy my time without phone, internet, television, or music made me realize exactly how much I rely them. I want to try and start reading more books, and learning how to keep myself entertained through other means. My eyes have been opened even more as to exactly how big of a role media really does play in our lives. We tend not to think about how much of our time is taken up as slaves to different forms of media. While not all of it is bad, certainly some we can, and should go without sometimes.

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