Saturday, December 13, 2008


Well.....where to begin...... Friday's deprivation of media was fairly easy. I found that the busier I was, the easier it was living without the distraction of media. With that being said, Friday I woke up and got ready for work. I found it a little difficult while eating breakfast since I wanted to turn on the television and watch the news. I find it most important to know what exactly is going on in the world and with our country as well. After my morning meal, it was off too work. Normally driving to work is a farily simple task; however Friday was the exception. The sound of the road irritated me. I had too listen to something.....anything! I finally gave in to temptation and blasted some tunes. The sound of the rhythm and beats seemed to calm me down. That was probably the best drive to work I ever had. At the Hartford it is a necessity to work on a computer. Working was fine but on break I was tempted to surf the web. I didn't want to give in too temptation so I went for a walk instead. ( how boring ). After a long days work I got in the car and couldn't stand the noise from the radio. I had to shut it off. I just wanted to sit back in quiet and unwind from the busy day. It's so ironic to think that before I headed into work I had to listen to music; while heading home from work I couldn't stand the noise. Normally when I get home I turn on the television but it was an extremely pressing day. I sat down on the couch and and fell asleep for about an hour. I didn't want anyone to bother me much less watch TV. Once I woke up from my nap, my sister was watching television. ( my favorite show nonetheless) I couldn't help but be drawn to the drama, bright lights, and sounds. I broke down and ended up watching the rest of the show with my sister.

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