Sunday, December 7, 2008

media dep. friday

Jordan Pratchett

In response to the media deprivation project, I really cannot stand it! I cannot believe how incredibly hard it really was. Not being able to watch television, listen to the radio, use my computer or use my phone leisurely was very difficult. I did not realize how often I rely on these simple electronics in my everyday life. I could not imagine what it would be like if those things were taken away from me permanently. On Friday night I worked at 4 so it obviously was not that hard for me to watch television or use my computer. Normally I text message throughout my boring shift of waiting tables, but instead I left my phone in my car this time. Because we were not that busy this particular Friday night, I was more bored than usual and time seemed to stand still.
When it came to watching television, we do have TV’s throughout the restaurant so I was able to get a sneak in every once in a while. The problem with that was that the TV’s were all on sports channels and that is not something that I particularly like to watch on a regular basis. Before and when I got off work was somewhat harder. I live by myself in an apartment so there is absolutely nothing to do when I am home by myself. Friday morning because I did not want to slip on watching television or getting on my computer, I decided to go to my dad’s house. The part that I could not stand was the fact that I could not listen to the radio while I was driving, and although it was a pretty short drive, it seemed a lot longer than it was. The only up to all these downs, was that I was able to think a lot on my drive there. I kind of got lost in my own thoughts and it was a little strange to me. Driving to work was somewhat hard as well because that it a longer drive and I do not know how I did not end up slipping. It was definitely hard. Getting home from work proved to be harder because I was energized from work and not too tired so I did not have anything to do while I was at home. So I ended up turning the television on and watching until I fell asleep. That is what I normally do to fall asleep and I know it is horrible but I just can not help it! If I thought Friday was bad, Saturday proved to be even harder.

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