It was a little before noon when I woke up again. [ Remember how I wrote about how I forgot the project had started at like 7AM?] I had turned off my phone so I could have no distractions. When I rolled over the Xbox controller was there casually thrown on the pillow next to me. Oh you have no idea how much I wanted to pick that controller up and push that magical little button to turn the box on. No! I couldn’t! I pushed the pillow away violently and the controller went flying off the bed. Luckily it was one of the older ones. I got up and got the biggest bowl of Cap’n Crunch [however that’s spelled] and sat on the kitchen counter with nothing but the CRUNCHing sound the cereal made to accompany me. As the cereal got more soggy, the crunching died down and now all you could hear is my “black beast of a hound” Lola snoring in her cage. I’m not lying when I say that she snores. She’s legit… a little too legit. When I was done I washed my dish and went back to my room. Since I had nothing else to do I figured I’d clean it. One hour later I seriously couldn’t find anything else to put away. I had never seen my room so clean, it was creepy. Then I paced. I seriously did about a good ten laps around the small free space in my room while I thought about what else there was to do. I decided to draw. It had been a while since I had actually drawn anything so I figured eh what the heck. I took out some blank paper, a good eraser, some freshly sharpened pencils and headed to the dining room to draw a masterpiece. Ten minutes into it I was asleep drooling on the paper. Heh heh the funny thing was that I wasn’t even sleepy. I woke up to the mother unit’s yelling at the dog for being on the couch. I looked at the clock and it was around 5:30 or so. I couldn’t take it! I had to check my phone. When I turned it on it said I had missed calls from both of the parental units, my sister and my boyfriend. I couldn’t believe how many texts I had too. My boyfriend was tripping out because he thought I had disappeared off the face of the planet and the sister thought I was ignoring her. I had to reply to the boyfriend and tell him I was alive and still on earth and I had to explain to the mother why I never answered. She laughed at me and said “good luck staying of you Xbox…” I wanted to show her that I could do it so I unplugged the Xbox and took it to my boyfriend’s house. He promised me he would take good care of my baby.

I stayed there and hung out with him while he made some legit mac and cheese and I sang random song that popped into my head. I want to say that I disliked about 98.34% of the day…
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