Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 2

Saturday wasn’t nearly as bad as Friday. I didn’t imagine zombies, or crawl around the house making hand prints looking like a complete jackass. I woke up early and had to go over to Vista to pay for the next semester and from there I ate, which took up most of the morning. I also went to a friend’s house but I didn’t stay there long because I didn’t know if that was considered a social event in which we could play Xbox. I did get to play basketball with a couple of friends later on that night; it was pretty fun because we hadn’t played in such a long time. My parents continued to make it harder on me than it has to be. My dad still watched the TV in the living room really loud, and my mom took up the other TV in her room so I got stuck staying in my room almost the entire time I was in my house. Because the TV was so loud, when I was at my house I basically just ate, slept and studied for upcoming finals in my room up until the time came to play basketball.
One thing I realized while I was in my room was that I really don’t do much on a normal day that doesn’t involve media. I always play with friends over Xbox Live, but that’s really not a good substitution for actually going out and doing something. A problem with that though is that I don’t really know what you can do with friends that are not media related besides sports, and smoke. What I probably need to do is just get a job and a girlfriend, and then maybe I would spend less time at home where there is nothing for me to do. It was kind of funny and sad that as soon as 12:00 AM hit, I got on Xbox and turned on some music. Games, movies, and music are three things I’ve grown accustomed to having, so naturally, having all those things taken away from me at once make entertainment at home just really hard to imagine. I don’t think there was anyway I could have done 100 hours of no media without me cheating and eventually completely caving in. This project would have been a lot easier during the summer when I could actually go outside and do stuff without freezing. It’s just too cold right now to go do anything fun outside.

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