Monday, December 8, 2008

day 2 of deafening silence

I am so happy that this media deprivation is over. If I had to go with out my precious internet, ipod or television shows I would probably go crazy due to boredom.

I woke up a little later today since I didn’t have anything but laundry and cleaning to do today. If I only had one or two loads of laundry it might not have been that bad just sitting there staring at the wall waiting for my clothes to wash then dry. Well I had six loads of laundry to do. That is like an all day chore. Oh my god if I didn’t have two extra hyper dogs to play with and walk I don’t know what I would have done. I mean I like to read sometimes but if I tried to read through all that laundry the words would have started to blend together. Luckily my mom called me. She is deployed and I only talk to her twice a week so I always have a thousand things to tell her. I would say that we were on the phone for at least a good hour and a half. It doesn’t show in class but I love to talk and I tend to talk a lot. After a few loads of laundry and hours of playing with my dogs my friend graciously drives to this side of town to hang out at my house with me for a little while before we go out.

After all of my laundry was washed, dried, and put away we went to the mall so that I could see what I would potentially be getting for my mom and my boyfriend for Christmas. That trip to the mall wasn’t long enough. I still had hours of time to kill. I was running out of ideas. This is when I decided that I would meet her back at her place later and I would go to my boy friends house for a few hours. His family is very funny and that’s with out any television. They say the most random things and they laugh at everything which I have a tendency to do as well. Not to mention his niece has a ridiculous amount of energy and was none stop bouncing off the walls.

When I left my boyfriends house to my friend’s house I had to bring a change of clothes since we were going out to the club to dance. Sorry but I can’t just tell the dj to turn the music off. Thank god. We danced till about 2:30 and left but again due to the fact that I like to talk so much we stayed up talking about everything under the sun until five A.M. that’s when I realized that the torture was over. I wanted to jump up and down but instead I blasted my radio as I drove home.

This project made me realize how much I depend on media for many parts of my day. I’m grateful that I am alive in this world and not the world that had no radio, television, and God forbid no ipods.

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